Video Guidelines

We’re looking for video content that helps others in the SEO industry improve their skillset, grow their knowledge, and broaden their approaches to SEO issues.

SEO Videos is a curated set of videos from a variety of creators in the industry with each video being hand-picked and vetted by experts in the field.

Below you’ll find our guidelines for including videos on this website.

  1. All videos must be published and publicly available on YouTube and may not be restricted to a specific country. All SEOs should be able to access knowledge
  2. Submitted videos must be both Useful & Instructional in some capacity. We define this as a video that tells users something is important and then shows them how to do something with that information.
  3. We do allow “listicle” style videos, if we believe the video gives users more information than simply listing entities in a ranked order. For example a video that has an in-depth methodology for ranking each entity or that provides visual evidence, or that explains functions / features of entities being ranked highly.
  4. Videos from a tool provider showing how to use their tool to solve a specific problem are not allowed. Tool / SaaS / Agencies / Platforms etc… are allowed to submit videos, but those videos but be agnostic in nature, showing SEOs how to solve a problem regardless of what tool, agency, or platform they use.
  5. Thumbnails for videos here should be ‘clean’ compared to YouTube thumbnails. One or two logos, text titles, or a person with a title would all be acceptable. Thumbnails with emojis, sexually explicit or adult in nature imagery, cluttered with lots of images, or otherwise appearing “busy” in nature will be edited for this site or the video will be rejected.
  6. Videos submitted must be original creations. We will review submissions to ensure they are not lifted from other creators.
  7. Videos submitted must contain accurate information. In SEO there are all kinds of questions about what may or may not be accurate information in our industry. We will keep this gray area in mind when reviewing submitted content. Videos which we believe are inaccurate in nature but are important for a topic may have a special label or note added by our editors.
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